Verse of the Day

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Splash of Color

Look everywhere around you today and see the beautiful colors the Lord has placed before you. Whether those colors be in the sky, the sun, the trees, or even in the people around you. I stand in amazment when I think of "His Design" in those around me and in the colors all around me. There is such vibrancy to all of it. How God must love color. I want you to think today of your color - what color do you reflect?
Yellow / Orange - when I think of these colors I think of things like the sun - things that shine so bright and vivid. How this must iminate the glory of the Lord. When you see pictures painted of the biblical stories, how often do you see the light from the box shooting toward the heavens or light around the throne - they iminate brightness and joy. When I think of these colors, I think of that very thing - God's glory bringing Joy.
Red - of course when I think of this color, I can't help but think of the blood of Christ pouring down the cross of Calvary. I can't help but think of love like on Valentines Day when my husband brings me flowers or things covered in hearts. I think of that love that Christ showed for me that day - wow - talk about your "true love".
Blue - when you look to the sky and you see those beautiful tones and shades dashed up there, I can't help but think of heaven. How beauiful it must truly be there. I think of the starry nights and even when the moon is peeking through the clouds, you can still see those tints of blue all around it. This color reminds me so much of the vastness of God and his power to reign over all. I think of how great He truly is and how even in His greatness He brings peace and life to me.
Green - of course when I think of this, I have to giggle a little. I think of the times when I was a child and would run through the soft grass with absolutely no shoes on my feet. What a beautiful feeling that was. I think of this color now and still giggle as my husband always says, "look, honey - everywhere - earth surface" when we see long and far away distances. Yet, when I think of this in a spiritual sense, I still must admit I have to giggle, only maybe in a sense of hesitancy as I think of the many stories where over and over God helped the Israelites and then how in their own selfishness and pride they would turn back to their foreign gods. How much like us today does that reveal some of the "ugly" colors in our own lives? Christ came to give life to us abundantly - yet how often do we turn away to other things that rob us of that abundance He has in store for us. His colors are always so beautiful and how He must find it sad that we would ever turn to the ugly colors of sin when he offers such beauty and splendor in his other colors.
So when you look around you today, think of these few simple colors and maybe add a few of your own. I'm choosing today to cover myself in lots of "color" so that I may reflect the whole picture of God. What colors will you choose? Will you choose to accessorize yourself with lots of color? Allow God to reveal himself through you and light up the life of someone else. Give it a whirl - add a splash of color and go color your world today.

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