Verse of the Day

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pickin' up the pieces

There's nothing like a crisis is there? There's nothing like a crisis for bringing people together. Whether it be a family, a friend or loved one, you can't help but want to "DO SOMETHING" to help those in need.

When we look back today from all the scenes of 9/11 several years ago, we see the many faces and lives of our country that have impacted and touched our hearts all across the land. When I look upon the eyes of those who actually were at each building, I can't help but see how many people had to come together to help put everything back together again. The buildings that stood so magnificient there in New York reaching with majesty up into the sky were gone in a matter of moments. The lives of those on board those planes were gone in a matter of moments. Yet what stood strong was the people coming together as a nation without the concerns of race and color, or background, or even position. People appeared from so many places to reach out to those in need. A crisis of such magnitude really pulled people together. A crisis like a hurricane Katrina, or a tornado, or destruction brings lives together to build / re-build a place and a start a new. You just go picking up the pieces.

I am reminded of the children's rhyme - "Humpty Dumpty" and how he fell off the wall and was all cracked up into pieces and all the kings men and all the kings horses couldn't put him together again could they? We see all across the land how people come together to try to rebuild buildings and help others lives to start anew - yet sometimes when you fall off of that wall - you don't see how those pieces will ever be put back together in a crisis. It takes so long to clean up everything, and then it seems so long before there's anything rebuilt and then it seems even longer for the urgency inside of you to find comfort and peace. So how do people do it?

So many of the accounts and stories of 9/11 forever are etched in my mind. I am reminded over and over of where so many of them found their strength. So many of them clearly said that only through the Lord have they been able to move forward and to deal with all of the aftermath of emotions that flooded each of them. I wonder today where you are in your crisis?

Are you still hurting? Are you still in the brokenness? Do you feel like you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel? Well, there is hope for you today, just as there was for those lives touched and broken and wounded during the events of 9/11. There are many around you that love you and want to help you through your crisis whatever it may be today. There are many praying for you (myself included) that want to love you through it too. Deuteronomy 6:5 (NIV) says "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." When you feel like the crisis is about to overtake you, remember that you don't have to rely upon your own strength to get through it either. You are not alone. There are many with you who love you more than you know, support you more than you know, and want to help you more than you know. I pray that above and beyond the things of your crisis that you will allow Jesus to heal your brokenness and to find comfort in him. Yes, you may still have days of dispair, but you can start today to find wholeness. You have to take it just one day at a time and foot at time. Only through Jesus will you find the peace and comfort you are looking for today. Only through Jesus will you avoid looking like "Humpty Dumpty" and not being able to pick up the pieces. Take today to start new and fresh. Turn to Jesus and call out to him. He is mighty to save, so let Him help you "DO SOMETHING" - it's time to start where you are so you can pick up the pieces.

You are in my prayers today. God bless you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Faithful One

1 Thessalonians 5:24 says "the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." I have been so awestruck by this scripture that I wanted to share with you my thoughts and a part of my heart. I wanted to talk with you about The Faithful One! First of all, I want you to know that this Faithful One is none other than the Lord himself. I know that so often in my life I have been overwhelmed by a circumstance or a heartache and was not sure what to do. I do know that there is no greater answer than the fact that He is Faithful.

I've been watching lately as so many of my friends, ministry partners, and co-workers are struggling in so many circumstances. I am watching in amazement at how each of them are handling their situations. I can see how there are those who are walking in the confidence of the Lord and knowing He will pull them through it. I am watching and see how there are some who want to know He is there and yet can't seem to see His hand moving at all. There are those who are watching in amazement as God's hand is over everything they are doing and they can see it so evidently moving. Yet there are still those who are just choosing not to see that some of the responses to their calling upon the Lord have been answers they didn't want. How my heart goes out to each of these.

As I think of Paul and the circumstances he faced in his life in the scriptures, I am just overwhelmed to think of all he went through. He was in more "stuff" than I could have ever imagined. I mean this guy was following God. He was doing things that God told him to do. Shouldn't his life have been more abundant and full of the good things? Well, in our thinking from society today, we would tend to think that. Paul was imprisoned, flogged severely, exposed to death again & again, beaten with rods, stoned, shipwrecked 3 times (personally, I would have tried to stop after the 1st time or possibly the 2nd from that and avoided the boats all together - I mean, why would I want to end up like Gilligan on a strange island?), he's been constantly on the go, he faced dangers on every hand from bandits, rivers, Gentiles; danger in the cities, country, at sea, and false brothers; he's labored and gone without sleep, he's known hunger & thirst, and been cold and naked, and lets not forget his own thorn in the flesh! Yet, what did Paul do? He said that he took delight in all of these things because he knew that in his weakness, God would make him strong.

Now I don't know about you, but I personally would prefer to live a life without so many of those issues - yet our lives are not without problems, trials, issues, or chaos in the circumstances sometimes. When we get to these situations in our lives, we have to press on. When we think we can't go further, we have to take that one more step - and the one who called you to that place and that time, will be faithful to help us do it. I am praying for you and your situation today and will continue to lift you before the Faithful One. I will close with this verse from Colossians 2: 6.."just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness". Find a way to day to press on one more step - doing it with thankfulness, knowing that you will find in that next step - the Faithful One.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Something More

Have you ever wondered why it seems we never have enough? We never seem to have enough time, enough work (well for some people), enough love, enough friends, enough stuff - we always think we need something more. Why do you think that is? Why is our human nature so caught up in the needing of something more? We are such a "want" society or a "give me more" society that we have lost sight of what that something more truly is that has been missing.

I do not think it wrong that we better ourselves, or educate our ourselves and even have wealth. I do not think it wrong at all. I do, however, find it wrong when we take for granted the things we do have within our own grasp. I grew up most of life not having lots of "things" or lots of money. My mother was a single mom raising 4 of us and one thing I believe I took away from that is that she was truly a woman of faith during those years. I have watched in amazement over the years how she trusted God to provide for every little need. No, she didn't have a lot, but she had enough. She knew that God would take care of the little things. She then trusted Him as she called out to Him to handle the big things. I have taken this same perspective in my life as an adult. I know that there will be days and times when I have to do the same by trusting God to provide. What I've come to realize though, is that when I trust Him DAILY in the little things, coming to Him with the big things seems so natural.

In our lives though, we always seems to want more. I want to know that the things within my reach are things that God has entrusted to me and that I will be satisfied with the things He has entrusted to me at this time. I want to know that it has been important enough to me to trust Him in all that I say and do; that my life itself will be the "something more" that pleases God. When God looks at me, I want Him to see his daughter reflecting Him. It says in Psalm 17:15 "And I—in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness". Today, when others look at me or what I have in my life, I pray that they will not want something more from the things this world has to offer, but that they will want to be satisfied with God. I know that in this life I will want to continue to grow and mature and learn things and even succeed in things, but the theme of my life is that it will be a reflection of God in all I do and say. Today, if there is anything I want it would be that. I think that if you really want something, you'll do everything you can to get it, so today I hope if you are looking for something more to fill your "not enoughs" that you will join me and want "something more".

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